Fall is one of the most popular times of the year for experienced anglers or rookies to enjoy the countless fishing opportunities that our charming coastal town has to offer. Our Marina at Deadman’s Bay makes for an interesting location as river and oceanic life swims throughout the waterways. Exploring the bay always makes for an adventure and participating in Fall fishing in Steinhatchee can give you the fishing experience of a lifetime. From the cooler weather to the abundant marine life, there’s a lot to cover. Let’s dive into the world of Fall fishing at Deadman’s Bay.

Types of Fish
There are quite a few recognizable fish that can be found in and around the marina. The top 3 fish you are sure to find when you begin your fishing adventure are:
- Seatrout: This fish is well known for its distinctive spots and silver bodies. With the fall season approaching, these fish transition from the deeper waters and make their way into the shallows of the bay. When you use live bait, artificial lures or even fly-fishing techniques, you’re sure to enjoy a thrilling battle with these ferocious beasts.
- Redfish (Red Drum): Fall marks their transition into the shallower waters to feed on baitfish, crabs and other small crustaceans. They are known for their copper-colored tails, strong fights and their ability to detect subtle changes in their environment. If you’re looking to catch these predators this fall, some of the best techniques include live bait and combining jigs with soft, shiny plastic baits to imitate shrimp.
- Spanish Mackerel: These fish provide any angler another adrenaline-filled battle. They’re best known for their speed and sharp teeth. Spanish mackerel make their way into Deadman’s Bay when the water temperatures start to cool. They’re also considered to be a favorite among frequent anglers. The best way to capture this fish is by using wire, so that their strong teeth don’t cut through your fishing line. These fish also respond well to shiny lures, because they mimic live bait.
Why Fall is the Best Season
Fall brings a blend of cooler temperatures and more stable weather conditions, thus bringing many more fish into the shallower waters in search of prey. Casting your line into the grass flats is a sure way to come out successful. Renting one of our transparent kayaks allows you to gain access to these prime locations and see the marine life swimming right underneath you. But it doesn’t stop there. Another reason fall is the best season to visit is because of the reduced boat traffic, compared to the summer months. When you come to Steinhatchee for your next fishing trip, you’re guaranteed a more serene and enjoyable fishing adventure.
Whether you are drawn to the subtle strikes of the seatrout, the powerful tugs of the redfish or the lightning-fast Spanish mackerel, Steinhatchee Marina at Deadman’s Bay promises and unforgettable and thrilling fall fishing experience. Book your next fishing trip with us today! We know you will be hooked for seasons to come.